As I walked into my bedroom this morning to make the bed, it occurred to me that Kirk and I may have some sort of obsessive compulsive disorder when it comes to pillows. What started with my one to his two, has now turned into a whopping four a piece. On our bed, after seventeen years of marriage.......... we have EIGHT pillows! Not throw pillows or decorative pillows................regular pillows. My routine is always the same, I start in the middle of the bed closest to Kirk, but by morning I'm literally falling off the bed on my side. And while I've slept, I've unknowingly created a wall of pillows separating the two of us. This drives him absolutely crazy and when he mentions it to me, I just laugh it off. But for some reason this morning, seeing the actual hit me. So today, December 6th will begin my new journey. A journey where one..................ok, maybe two pillows will be enough for me. I can do this. I will NOT build a wall and sleep alone.
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