Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Our golden egg....................

Here's a few of Kirk's "girls", as we affectionately call them.

We have a variety of hens, including Rhode Island Reds, Black Sexlinks, White Plymouth Rocks & one Silkie. The run(or aviary as some may call it) that Kirk built for them is quite impressive. Although he has just informed me that tomorrow's job is cleaning it and the coop out thoroughly. Yay for me!

This is our Silkie. She was given to us by a friend that could no longer care for her. They'd had two baby chicks at the time and one of them was pulled completely through the fencing by a wild animal. This one survived, but was missing most of her feathers. So, we took her and she's grown into a beautiful, healthy girl. She's a very small breed and will stay about half the size of our regular hens.We call her our "little dinosaur" because of her blue beak, feet and earlobes. She's very interesting. Her skin is blue and her bones are blue as well. Apparently they're quite the delicacy in China. We, of course will not be eating our hens, but we are hoping for miniature blue eggs soon.

Here's our "little dinosaur" on her lower perch. Kirk put this perch in especially for her. She's somewhat of a loner because of her size and can't seem to make it up to the taller perches to be with the other girls. Notice all the feathers that hang down from her feet. She's a beautiful girl!

This is our very first egg! It's quite a big deal here at our house. Kirk has loved and taken care of "his girls" for four months and nothing could have made him happier than seeing this first egg. He was so excited when he found it that we all had to come out and look at it before it was removed. It had a few small, black feathers on it so we're assuming that it came from one of the Black Sexlink hens. It's very light brown in color, almost peach and this picture did not do it justice. I haven't told him yet, but "his girls" have already laid another one. He takes such pride in raising and caring for them..............which only makes me love him that much more.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Thats exciting! They all look so healthy! Congratulations on your first egg!
